Things got interesting, however, as I started getting into the relationships amongst the teens – romantic and otherwise. What I LikedInteresting Dynamics: It was very nice to see happy, loving family dynamics between Ashleigh and her mom, and Josh and his dad both families were down-to-earth and oh-so-normal, which felt refreshing after some of the books I’ve read recently. Hayrides, sleigh taxis, cross-country skiing, hot cocoa (or at least coffee!) – all of it worked together to create a picture-perfect setting of modern-day teens against a Norman Rockwell background. Even though I’ve only visited the island once it is one of my fondest memories, so seeing it through Ashleigh’s eyes (albeit in winter) was like visiting it all over again – the fudge shops, the Grand Hotel, no cars, etc. What I LovedThe Norman Rockwell Setting: Not only does Snowed In take place in Michigan, it takes place in one of my favorite parts of the mitten state – Mackinac Island (pronounced Mak-in-aw). Was it as cute as I thought? Let’s investigate.

I figured, “Hey, it looks cute! And it takes place in Michigan!” – which just happens to be home to half of my family – so I decided to give Snowed In a try.

I came across Rachel Hawthorne’s Snowed In a couple of weeks ago during an ebook special run by HarperTeen (which is still going on as of this writing).