These wonderful life-changing books will make you one too. I'm still a firm believer in the power of the page. As I grew older, I found my people, gained self-confidence and didn't need that literary solace as much anymore. They showed me I wasn't alone when bullies tried to shatter my spirit and gave me context for experiences my still-maturing mind didn't understand.

Because I was painfully shy, the characters I met within those pages kept me company on lonely afternoons. I was that kid with a thriller hidden under my desk during Math class, who'd rather curl up with a novel at recess than run around after a ball. Needless to say: books can change lives, whether they're intended to be inspirational or just come to us at the moment we need them most. And who among us can resist a juicy romance novel that reminds us that chivalry isn't dead? Of course, the best nonfiction books can also open our eyes to lived experiences far beyond our own perspective. Others love the shiver that goes up your spine when you crack open a creepy ghost story that makes you think twice before turning off the light to go to bed.

Some of us like to unwind with a great fiction book that transports us to places we've never been, into lives that differ from our own.